Integrating Your Business and Talent Strategy: Partnering With Your CHRO Is a Strategic Imperative

By Fran Maxwell, Managing Director
People Advisory and Organizational Change Global Leader

Today’s challenging business climate demands that boards of directors and executive leaders view the organization’s talent strategy in coordination and lockstep with their strategic business objectives. High-performing organizations are deploying a new talent game plan, led by their chief human resources officers (CHROs), to establish and sustain this alignment.

Throughout the pandemic, boards and executives called on their CHROs with exceedingly challenging questions and requests, and those who were successful responded with exceptional leadership. Amid unprecedented times, CHROs positioned the workforce to thrive. Employees shone as they adapted to remote working models and uncovered new ways to collaborate with colleagues and engage customers, all while managing through the crisis on a personal level.

The next chapter in advancing and transforming the organization’s talent strategy hinges on how well boards of directors and executive leadership teams leverage HR’s perspective and expertise to derive the greatest value from the organization’s current and future talent investments to support the business and its growth and performance objectives.

Maximizing these critical returns on talent requires board members and C-suite leaders, in collaboration with the CHRO, to view, manage and govern the talent strategy in concert with the business strategy — in other words, to fuse these strategies.

For more about fusing business strategy with talent strategy, read the full article here.

(The Bulletin — Volume 8, Issue 1)


Fran Maxwell
Fran Maxwell is the global lead of our People Advisory & Organizational Change Segment. Based in Phoenix, he brings to Protiviti more than 21 years of experience in human resources and change management consulting.Before joining Protiviti in 2021, Fran held ...
James W. DeLoach
Jim DeLoach has more than 35 years of experience and assists companies with responding to government mandates, shareholder demands and a changing business environment in a cost-effective and sustainable manner, including the integration of risk and risk management with ...

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