Technology Insights

July 2024

Protiviti Named a 2024 Compliance Microsoft Partner of the Year.

We are delighted to have been named a finalist for the 2024 Compliance Microsoft Partner of the Year Award. Protiviti was recognised for providing outstanding solutions and services in compliance by helping organisations achieve and maintain data security through identified key risks, addressing compliance gaps, providing recommendations and enabling remediation support. Additionally, Protiviti was recently named a finalist for the 2024 Microsoft Security Excellence Awards in the Security Customer Champion category for going above and beyond to drive customer impact.

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Put Privacy First to Build Trust and Elevate the Customer Experience

Kim Bozzella, Global Lead for Technology Consulting and a member of the Forbes Tech Council, recently posted this article on

Here's a problem I often see: Most businesses recognise the significance of data privacy and identity management in safeguarding information, yet many overlook the relationship between privacy, identity management and customer experience. This connection is becoming increasingly important as establishing and nurturing customer trust is essential for fostering repeat business, competitiveness and growth.

Ultimately, brand and company loyalty are crucial, and often, they begin with trust in the organisation's ability to protect a customer’s personal and confidential information. What’s more, regarding the value of building customer trust, it’s been well-documented that retaining existing customers is far more cost-effective than acquiring new ones.

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Protiviti Recognised as a 2024 ASAP Alliance Excellence Award Winner

In late June, the Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals (ASAP) named its 2024 Excellence Award winners. Protiviti, along with our partner SAP, is proud to have been recognised for the Best Ecosystem Solution. In the announcement, ASAP said, "Forming partnerships for the sake of adding bells and whistles is never the formula for success in tech. Companies like Protiviti and SAP must vigilantly scour the marketplace for solutions that surgically alleviate customer pain points."

“There are many challenges when you're building an ecosystem around a major platform like SAP, and that is because technology is so dynamic and changing rapidly all the time,” added Claudia Kuzma, CA-AM, Managing Director and Global Ecosystem Leader at Protiviti. “What was relevant 18 months ago is not as relevant today." She cited two keys to coping with this rapid-paced environment: 1) fail fast and 2) look to unchartered waters to build new solutions and differentiate yourself. Kuzma also stressed the importance of tracking customer lifetime value, the cost of sales and new customer acquisition.

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By Sofia Hansen

Product managers are organisational linchpins, responsible for overseeing the development and lifecycle of a product from conception to launch and beyond. Product managers drive product vision, prioritising features and aligning teams with market demands and goals, whether for business or technology products. They advocate for customers, oversee roadmap planning and guide teams to successful launches and iterations. However, there are instances when product managers may feel overwhelmed, typically when they’re inundated with tactical day-to-day tasks or juggling multiple responsibilities.

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By Darragh O'Grady and Karan Mishra

The emergence of generative AI (GenAI) promises transformative impacts across all areas of an organisation, including enterprise architecture. Since generative AI debuted in the public spotlight with ChatGPT in November 2022, organisations are eagerly exploring use cases on how this technology can enhance employee productivity and drive revenue growth. This exploration demands a deep understanding of key enterprise activities and friction involved in executing those activities — friction which is often accounted for by unmet business demands for technology.

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