Cyber Risk Quantification

Understand your Cyber Risk to protect what matters most

With increased spending to defend against cyber threats, effective financial measurements are needed to support decision-making and answer questions like: “what are the potential financial losses from each cyber risk?” “how much cyber insurance does my organisation need?” “which risks should be prioritised?” and “how can we calculate ROI on cybersecurity investments?”

We help organisations understand cybersecurity risks for budgetary justification, investment re-prioritisation and implement programmes to manage risk.

How can we calculate ROI on risk investments?

Our Cyber Risk Quantification services

Pro Briefcase

Risk Landscape Quantification

Understand your risk appetite and determine risk and asset priorities. Use quantitative analysis to evaluate top cybersecurity risks, which can help executives make dollars-and-cents decisions.

Pro Building office

Cyber Risk Quantification Programme Build

Build cyber risk quantification capabilities and integrate them into your existing risk management framework. This provides an ongoing, sustainable programme for executive leadership to support meaningful decision-making.

Pro Document Consent

Targeted Quantitative Risk Analysis

Leverage targeted-scope risk assessments based on industry frameworks or compliance standards (e.g., NIST, PCI, NYDFS, HIPAA, etc.), enabling you to select and prioritise risk treatment options.

Pro Document Files

Organisational Decision Support

Model loss exposure from individual scenarios and demonstrate return on investment and risk reduction by building specific business cases and supporting sound risk treatment decisions tailored to an individual project, initiative, or investment.

Pro Document Stack

Third-Party Risk Quantification

Develop, prioritise, and integrate quantification methods with your existing third-party management capabilities.

Protiviti’s approach to cyber risk quantification includes input from business users, asset owners, and key technical experts

How we leverage Cyber Risk Quantification

Cyber risk quantification builds upon the qualitative nature of cyber risk assessments and models risk in business terms, which ultimately leads to more informed decision making. 
Cyber risk quantification can empower you to:

Make better decisions
CRQ enables security leaders and executives to “speak the same language” in financial terms. With financial measurements in hand, you can effectively mitigate risks by making the right investments and increased ROI. Ultimately, a repeatable and scalable process is developed.

Identify top risks
Cyber risk quantification begins with assessing an organisation’s current risk landscape. By considering the elements of threat and analysing the threat in financial terms, Protiviti can target and build a portfolio of top vulnerabilities or critical assets to be prioritised.

Understand risk’s true impact
Protiviti leverages and blends your data, industry data, threat intelligence, and subject matter expertise to get the true picture of risk. Cyber risk quantification translates each potential risk to dollars and cents to forecast an estimate of your organisation’s potential future loss exposure and allocate resources to the most effective risk treatments.

Establish a clear, repeatable risk analysis method
Cyber risk quantification improves on historical risk assessments and analysis processes by requiring clear assumptions and defined estimates. The process is transparent and allows for continuous improvement that cannot be achieved through qualitative methods.

Leading the way on Cyber Risk Quantification

Protiviti’s cyber risk quantification (CRQ) solution delivers a continual, data-driven assessment of a company’s current state of cyber risk. Protiviti is a Founding Advisory Partner of the FAIR Institute, the leading software as a service based on the FAIR model.

This puts Protiviti at the forefront of innovative CRQ approaches and thought leadership. The Protiviti team includes members from varying backgrounds, all specialising in quantifying risk.

Notre équipe

Bernard Drui
Bernard Drui est Managing Director et Country Market Leader chez Protiviti France. Il a plus de 25 ans d'expérience dans le monde des affaires, travaillant avec une variété d'organisations pour améliorer leur performance par la gestion des risques, l'efficacité ...
Anis Hammami
Anis est Associate Director chez Protiviti France, expérimenté dans le domaine de la technologie, la cybersécurité et de la Privacy. Anis a plus de 14 ans d'expérience au cours desquels il a dirigé plusieurs projets de cybersécurité et de Privacy dans plusieurs domaines ...
Lyes Oussadit
Lyes est Senior Manager chez Protiviti France, expérimenté dans le domaine de l’audit informatique, la gestion des risques IT et la sécurité de l’information. Il possède plus de 10 ans d'expérience au cours desquels il a dirigé plusieurs projets d’audit IT (externes et ...
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