Consumer Protection

We guide you through dynamic regulatory reviews and remediation to drive consumer loyalty, business growth and compliance.

Our goal is to ensure that you meet your organisation’s needs, adhere to regulatory expectations and leading industry practices, and build sustainable compliance capabilities to support future growth.

Disruptive technologies, evolving customer loyalty, and pressure to enhance economic returns define just some of the challenges financial services organisations need to overcome. The dynamic regulatory landscape and increased emphasis on cost reduction only add to the complexity of achieving profitable growth.

Regardless of your organisation’s complexity, our experts partner with you to evaluate your compliance programme design and operational effectiveness.

Evaluate your compliance programme design and operational effectiveness

Our Consumer protection services

Pro Briefcase

Compliance Management Programme Services

Perform a holistic assessment of your compliance management programme to define its consistency with regulatory expectations and leading industry practices. We also evaluate action plans to address gaps with your compliance programme and related improvement opportunities.

Pro Document Files

Consumer Compliance Regulatory Reviews

Assess regulatory compliance with federal and state consumer protection laws at the programme or product level and perform reviews informed by prudential regulator examination procedures. Using regulatory examination procedures as a baseline, Protiviti develops a testing methodology to assess your practices across product lifecycles, including or limited to marketing, origination, servicing, and loss mitigation.

Pro System Security

Regulatory Consent Order and Remediation Support Services

Support our clients with every stage of the remediation lifecycle, including the development and approval of a remediation plan, execution of the remediation plan, monitoring and validation as requested or required by regulatory action.

Pro Building office

Compliance Operations Support Services

We assist our clients from call centers to loan processing, with creating, operating, and overseeing workflows efficiently, enabling compliance with laws and regulations. We scale our solutions to fit your specific needs.

Pro Document Stack

Compliance Audit Support

Protiviti’s team of former regulators and consumer compliance experts support you in designing, managing, and performing audits to assess compliance with regulatory requirements and expectations. Regulatory compliance audits can be complex and place strain on your resource capacity. You need a partner with a proven track record of supporting various audit activities using co-source, outsource, or staff augmentation models.

We tailor our solutions to meet your organisation’s unique needs and industry

Our approach

Our proven frameworks and methodologies are defined yet iterative, enabling us to be agile in adapting to changing product, organisational, and regulatory environments.  Our Consumer Protection team includes industry experts, former regulators, and highly skilled staff with experience helping our clients navigate the most complex and sensitive consumer compliance matters.

Protiviti combines world-class consumer compliance expertise, and the largest network of highly skilled specialised staffing resources to address your consumer compliance needs through compliance programme management, regulatory reviews, consent and remediation support, and operations and audit support. We tailor our solutions to meet your organisation’s unique needs and industry.

We tailor our solutions to meet your organisation’s unique needs and industry

Notre équipe

Arnaud Floquet
Arnaud est Managing Director de la practice Risk and Compliance du bureau de Paris. Il possède plus de 20 ans d'expérience professionnelle en matière de gestion globale des risques (ERM), de contrôle interne (SOX / LSF) et de conformité règlementaire (LCB-FT, Sanctions ...
Jacques Pama
Associate Director chez Protiviti, Jacques Pama dispose de plus de 20 ans d’expérience professionnelle dans le pilotage de projets/programmes de transformation autour de la gestion des risques, le contrôle permanent et la conformité dans les services financiers. Au ...