GENERATIONS: What is the productivity potential of your multigenerational workforce? Protiviti is proud to be collaborating with The Inclusion Initiative at the London School of Economics (LSE) on a three-year study about generations in the workforce. The study will provide organisations with specific, data-driven insights to increase productivity across the various generations of the workforce. Why a Survey on Generations? Harnessing the knowledge, skills and connections each generation brings to the workplace can deliver productivity gains and a competitive edge. Yet, organisations lack research-based evidence on this topic. Additionally, DEI agendas routinely neglect generational diversity and inclusion, with frictions between generations negatively impacting productivity. This data will aid in the ability to fully unlock the productivity potential of the various generations. Watch On-Demand: LSE and Protiviti presents GENERATIONS! Watch the on-demand panel session of the launch of our new survey GENERATIONS: What is the Productivity Potential of your multigenerational workforce? Hosted by Matt Duncan, Managing Director at Protiviti UK and introduced by Dr Daniel Jolles at The Inclusion Initiative at London School of Economics. The benefits outlined in this report highlight the need for deeper, ongoing understanding of the experiences of workers across the generations. Our Preliminary Findings Prior to the launch of the Generations Survey, The Inclusion Initiative embarked on preliminary research, drawing data from more than 1,450 employees in Finance, Technology and Professional Services Industries in the United States and the United Kingdom. The results of that research can be found in our initial report, GENERATIONS: Unlocking the Productivity Potential of a Multigenerational Workforce.This report underscores a call to action for leaders to prioritise intergenerational inclusion by making it central to DEI and talent strategies. It shows that, despite the clear potential for productivity gains through intergenerationally-inclusive work practices, firms continue to miss out due to frictions between employees of different generations negatively impacting productivity.Survey Report Appendix The benefits outlined in this report highlight the need for deeper, ongoing understanding of the experiences of workers across the generations. Leadership Fran Maxwell Fran Maxwell is the global lead of our People Advisory & Organisational Change Segment. Based in Phoenix, he brings to Protiviti more than 21 years of experience in human resources and change management consulting.Before joining Protiviti in 2021, Fran held ... Learn More Matt Duncan Matt Duncan joined Protiviti UK as a Managing Director in September 2022. Based in London, Matt has more than 18 years of experience delivering change successfully for his clients.Matt leads our change and transformation practice in the UK, as well as our people ... Learn more